For the past 10 years I have studied Spiritual Response Therapy, Numerology, Astrology, Soul Realignment, the Akashic Records, Bach Flowers, Aromatherapy, Oracle, Tarot, Angel Card reading, and so much more! All on my journey to discover my soul’s purpose and create my dream life in harmony with my spirit.


Here you can find a brief summary of some of the modalities I work with. In Soul Study Guidance, or in 1:1 sessions with me, we dive into one of these if you’d like, or I can use an intuitive combination of them to help guide you on your journey with whatever you’re wanting to release, re-condition, develop or understand.


SRT is a powerful healing method that works on a soul level to uncover patterns and beliefs as well as release negative programming. Patterns are lessons not yet released and we have experiences that help us to release our thoughts and programs. Releasing subconscious programs allows the soul to move into its full expression of joy and prosperity.


Do I claim that SRT is the answer to all life’s challenges? Of course not, you are the answer. You are your guru, you know.  As soon as you can name it, see the pattern, drop the addictions to drama, being right, co-dependency, guilt, fear etc the shifts in you will feel seamless and healing will come quicker and all of a sudden you will be co-creating the life of your dreams.


Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) involves the use of a pendulum, a set of charts, and a  series of questions. The process involves clearing any programming or conditioning in the subconscious mind and soul record, while connecting to your higher self. 

It is important that you are willing to embrace the idea of your spirit and higher self, as well as past lives, for SRT to have the most impact.

WHAT can srt help with?

-Clearing energy blocks

-Identify and breaking through any conditioning and programming that no longer serves you.

-Overcoming limitations and limiting beliefs

-Raising your auric and energetic frequency

-Clearing negative energy environments

-Improving spiritual, mental and physical health

-Discovering a deeper connection with your soul, spirit & higher self.

Akashic Records and Spiritual Clearing

Soul Realignment uses the Akashic Records and Spiritual Clearing to help you understand and express your divine gifts and soul purpose.

The Akashic Records a record of anything that has happened, is happening, or will happened. They are a higher dimension to which the rules of time do not apply. (I mean, we all know why now that time is relative anyway). Time is like a flat circle to the Akashic Records. So, information from events and lives thousands of years ago are as accessible as what happened to you yesterday, and as available as what could happen to you (if you stay on the same destiny trajectory) in years or lives to come.


WHAT can soul realignment help with?

-Clearing energy blocks

-Identify and breaking through any conditioning and programming that no longer serves you.

-Overcoming limitations and limiting beliefs

-Raising your auric and energetic frequency

-Clearing negative energy environments

-Improving spiritual, mental and physical health

-Discovering a deeper connection with your soul, spirit & higher self.


Human Design is kind of like our energetic DNA. It’s the road map to discovering your unique soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Knowing your design will give you insight into your unique nature – and if you align with it.

There is A LOT to learn down the Human Design rabbit hole. However, even understanding the basics of your design can give you so much confidence as you go through life and start to understand yourself better.

For years I have studied Human Design. The basics, right through to all of the individual elements. Learning how each piece effects another, how each energy type interacts with another and integrating my Human Design strategies into my life.

This knowledge of my energetic DNA is the foundation of every decision I make, the way I communicate, how I structure my businesses and how I raise my children based on their design. – This is like a cheat-sheet for parenting! 


Human Design is calculated using your exact (or as close to as possible) birth time, date and location. It combines Kabbalah, I’Ching, the chakra system, quantum physics, genetics, and biochemistry all into one master system.

WHAT can Human design help with?

-Discovering your unique soul’s blueprint & who you’re here to be in this lifetime

-How you best communicate 

-Your natural strengths + what areas you might struggle with

-What environment you best work in

-Learning your in-self and not-self themes to easily identify where you are out of, or in alignment.

-Your relationships with others, based on their Human Design and yours.

-Trusting your intuition and confidence in decision making through understanding how you best make decisions based on your design.

-Identifying your conscious and sub-conscious fears, habits, personality profile and so much more!


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